
Το ξυπνητήρι του Θεού

The semiautonomous peninsula of Mount Athos in Northern Greece is the spiritual center of the Eastern Orthodox church. Monasteries and Cloisters began appearing within its 130 square miles during the 9th century. Since 1045 women have been prohibited from entering the territory as a sign of respect for the Virgin Mary, after whom the peninsula is dedicated.

Και ο Θεός μας δοκιμάζει καμιά φορά να μας ξυπνήσει, να πούμε. Σου στέλνει έναν πειρασμό ο Θεός, ο Θεός θέλει να σε ξυπνήσει, μην κοιμάσαι· μην κοιμάσαι, λέγε την ευχούλα.

Γέροντας Εφραίμ Κατουνακιώτης



The semiautonomous peninsula of Mount Athos in Northern Greece is the spiritual center of the Eastern Orthodox church. Monasteries and Cloisters began appearing within its 130 square miles during the 9th century. Since 1045 women have been prohibited from entering the territory as a sign of respect for the Virgin Mary, after whom the peninsula is dedicated.

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Written Από Κώστας Σαμαράς

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Καλοχώρι Θεσ/νίκης: Αβάσταχτος πόνος για το θάνατο 22χρονου – «Τον σκότωσαν Αλβανοί»

Ψάχνουν 25 χρόνια θέση για το άγαλμα του Μέγα Αλέξανδρου στην Αθήνα