Ἐπίσης, σημείωσε ὅτι οἱ μετανάστες-πρόσφυγες ἀποτελοῦν πλέον τμῆμα τῆς ἑλληνικῆς κοινωνιᾶς καὶ ὅτι τὰ παιδιὰ τους φοιτοῦν στὰ ἑλληνικὰ σχολεῖα. Θεωρεῖ θαυμάσια τὴν διαφορετικότητα στὴν κοινωνία μας ὅπως πλέον διαμορφώνεται καὶ χαρακτηρίζει τοὺς Ἕλληνες πολὺ φιλόξενο λαό.
“We have had great assistance from NGOs for primary care in health services within the hosting facilities especially in the islands that are overcrowed right now and the mainland”
“We are believing that they are part of our society and we accept them in our schools and kids to be educated. They need to go to school and this is what they are there for you to know become part of the country and I think diversity we are seeing is amazing. The Greek people very very welcoming”
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Πηγή: Εθνικός Κήρυξ